Auto Balance Conversion let you enjoy a peace of mind when managing bills
Auto Balance Conversion programme automatically converts eligible customer’s credit card outstanding statement balances into a 36 months instalment plan, at a lower interest rate of 13% p.a.
- Lower effective interest rate at 13% p.a.
- Payment tenure of 36 months
- No processing fee
- No early termination fee
- For Malaysian only.
- Annual income of ≤ RM60,000
- Payment ratio of ≤ 10%
- (Payment ratio = Total payment / Total statement Balance) in the past 12 months
- Credit card must be active
- Minimum outstanding balance of RM1,000
Upon enrolment for this programme, your credit card outstanding balance will be assessed after payment due date and converted into 36 months instalments upon meeting the eligibility criteria every 12 months.
Step |
Date |
Awareness notice |
25 Jul 2019 |
Enrol date |
25 Aug 2019 |
Statement date |
1 Sep 2019 |
Payment due date |
21 Sep 2019 |
Conversion date |
26 Sep 2019 |
Next cycle eligible for conversion |
Sep 2020 Statement |
Step |
Awareness notice |
Date |
25 Jul 2019 |
Step |
Enrol date |
Date |
25 Aug 2019 |
Step |
Statement date |
Date |
1 Sep 2019 |
Step |
Payment due date |
Date |
21 Sep 2019 |
Step |
Conversion date |
Date |
26 Sep 2019 |
Step |
Next cycle eligible for conversion |
Date |
Sep 2020 Statement |
The Tables below are illustration of minimum payment due with and without Auto Balance Conversion on the following assumption:
- Customer makes minimum payment due (5% of statement balance) monthly.
- There is no new retail spend or cash advance following the conversion.
- The outstanding balance consists of retail spend only and revolves at 17% p.a.
- The monthly instalment amount of Auto Balance Conversion is RM320 and 100% of the instalment amount is to be paid in full as part of the minimum payment due.
With Auto Balance Conversion |
Month 1 |
Month 2 | Month 3 |
Oustanding Balance (RM) |
10,000 |
Auto Balance Conversion (RM) |
9,500 |
Minimum Payment Due (RM) |
500 |
320 |
320 |
Auto Balance Conversion Balances (RM) |
9283 |
9063 |
With Auto Balance Conversion |
Oustanding Balance (RM) |
Month 1 |
10,000 |
Month 2 | |
Month 3 |
With Auto Balance Conversion |
Auto Balance Conversion (RM) |
Month 1 |
9,500 |
Month 2 | |
Month 3 |
With Auto Balance Conversion |
Minimum Payment Due (RM) |
Month 1 |
500 |
Month 2 |
320 |
Month 3 |
320 |
With Auto Balance Conversion |
Auto Balance Conversion Balances (RM) |
Month 1 |
Month 2 |
9283 |
Month 3 |
9063 |
Without Auto Balance Conversion |
Month 1 |
Month 2 |
Month 3 |
Outstanding Balance (RM) |
10,000 |
9635 |
9281 |
Minimum Payment Due (RM) |
500 |
482 |
464 |
Without Auto Balance Conversion |
Outstanding Balance (RM) |
Month 1 |
10,000 |
Month 2 |
9635 |
Month 3 |
9281 |
Without Auto Balance Conversion |
Minimum Payment Due (RM) |
Month 1 |
500 |
Month 2 |
482 |
Month 3 |
464 |
Things you should know
- No application is required for Auto Balance Conversion Programme. You will be automatically enrolled and be given notice if you meet the eligibility criteria.
- You are allowed to opt-out from Auto Balance Conversion Programme within the stipulated period stated in the notification.
- For 1st time conversion, there is a 30 days grace period to cancel after conversion. Subsequent cancellation will result in total outstanding principal to become immediately due and payable.
Discover more credit card features

Cash Instalment Plan
Convert your available credit limit into cash with your choice of monthly payment

Cash Advance
Use cash advance for instant cash relief